Sunday, April 30, 2017

Medical Laboratory Science Convocation,

Medical Laboratory Science Convocation,

Private Medical College - Ravi Kumudesh and GMOA

GMOA is trying to abolish Private Medical Colleges showing their interest on "Quality Health Service" to the patients.  But we believe GMOA can do a lot for the “Concept of Quality Health Service” with their existing workforce. Base of Quality service is not totally depending on minority defects of basic education.

• Could you meet your consultant timely?

• Did your medical officer explain your condition to the expected level?

• Did He/She aware about side effects of your drugs?

• How much did you pay for the private consultation?

• Was it affordable or justifiable to everyone who has paid for their “free” education

• Have you seen any practice of “Standard Operating Procedures” among Sri Lankan Medical Officers?

• It is required to sermon a patient at least 20 minute in primary care for providing “Quality Medical Service”. Do you have this experience in our OPD setup?

As health professionals, we have social responsibility to make aware the community on actual “Quality Health Care Service” instead of violating patient’s rights by building up the professional monopoly and thrilling hidden agendas.

Further we do believe “Free Education” should not be violated the right of “Education Freedom”

Academy of Health Professionals, Sri Lanka
